วันจันทร์ที่ 22 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2551

The Real Secret To Glamorous, Sexy Skin

by John Russell

While much has been written about smearing wrinkle creams and wrinkle free skin care to solve the age-telling wrinkles we get, the real secret to glamorous, sexy skin is peace of mind and relaxation.
Many wrinkle creams and wrinkle free skin care products are highly marketed, sold everywhere, even on the internet, and promise to reduce wrinkles and prevent or reverse damage caused by years of sunburn and skin neglect.
But health and beauty articles have overwhelming evidence that stress-busting, mood-brightening steps provide inner calming that relaxes skin and let nutrients do their natural healing processes from within.
Here are 9 steps to reducing stress and allowing natural health and healing to flow:
1. Humor is the best medicine - watch your favorite TV show. Laughing like crazy reduces stress hormones, which keeps the immune cells functioning better.
2. Walk, walk, walk. Walking is so much more healthy than slathering wrinkle free skin care products all over your body. Walking has a tranquilizing effect on your brain and is documented to reduce anxiety and help sleep. Doctor's order - ½ hour walk per day.
3. Scent Therapy. A whiff of citrus has been found to reduce depression and boost feelings of well-being and alleviate stress. Smelling an orange actually helps upping the body's key hormone for wellness (norephinephrine).
4. A few pounds are OK. If you put a few pounds on over the holidays, don't stress about it. A few extra pounds can actually boost your immune system by increasing energy reserves, just don't let it be a habit.
5. Have sex! Orgasms increase endorphins and raise oxytocin levels, which promote sound sleep and sense of well-being.
6. Have breakfast, especially before drinking coffee. Coffee, on an empty stomach, can cause blood sugar levels to spike, which cause attention levels to spike, irritability, and wrinkled skin.
7. Honey. Honey is shown to be a significant antioxidant and the darker the honey, the more powerful the antioxidant punch.
8. Spice-up your food! Hot food triggers the release of endorphins, which trigger significant feelings of well-being.
9. Sunlight. Be very careful! Sunlight is known to cause skin damage if not adequately protected with an appropriate wrinkle free skin care product with sunscreen. Health and beauty articles universally say to protect from UVA and UVB with minimum SPF 15. The sun, however, stimulates the production of feel-good serotonin and also helps relieve seasonal affective disorder (SAD). Especially in the winter, spend times outdoors or near a window on sunny days.
While wrinkle creams and wrinkle free skin care products may help a little, health and beauty experts have well documented that simple solutions to stress and anxiety reduction are perhaps more effective for glamorous, aging skin than wrinkle creams alone.
