วันเสาร์ที่ 19 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2562


เมาแล้วขับเจอโทษหนักขึ้นกว่าเดิม เรื่องสำคัญที่นักดื่มต้องเตือนตัวเอง ถ้าเมาแล้วอย่าขับรถ

ประเทศไทยเป็นอีกหนึ่งประเทศที่ติดอันดับต้น ๆ การเกิดอุบัติเหตุจากการเมาแล้วขับ แม้ทางรัฐเองก็มีกฎหมายข้อบังคับต่าง ๆ ออกมาเพื่อลดอัตราการเกิดอุบัติเหตุเหล่านี้ แต่ก็ดูเหมือนว่ายังไม่ค่อยได้ผลเท่าไรนัก เมื่อดูจากสถิติการเกิดอุบัติเหตุที่มีสาเหตุเกิดจากการเมาแล้วขับยังเพิ่มขึ้นเรื่อย ๆ ดังนั้นทาง เรา จึงนำข้อมูลเรื่องข้อกฎหมายและอัตราค่าปรับมาแจกแจงให้นักดื่มได้รับรู้กัน
          โดยเมื่อวันที่ 4 มกราคม 2560 รัฐมนตรีได้อนุมัติ พ.ร.บ.จราจรฉบับใหม่มาเป็นที่เรียบร้อยและเพิ่มบทลงโทษสำหรับกรณีเมาแล้วขับ จากเดิมจำคุกไม่เกิน 1 ปี ปรับ 5,000 บาท ถึง 20,000 บาท เป็นอัตราบทลงโทษใหม่ จำคุกไม่เกิน 1 ปี ปรับขั้นต่ำ 10,000 ถึง 20,000 บาท หรือทั้งจำทั้งปรับ นอกจากนี้ยังให้ศาลสั่งพักใช้ใบอนุญาตขับขี่ มีกำหนดไม่น้อยกว่า 6 เดือน หรือเพิกถอนใบอนุญาต จนถึงการยึดรถที่ใช้ไม่เกิน 7 วัน
          นอกจากบทลงโทษของผู้ที่เมาแล้วขับแล้ว หากเกิดเหตุจนทำให้ผู้อื่นได้รับอันตรายแก่ร่างกายหรือจิตใจ ยังมีโทษ จำคุก 1-5 ปี ปรับ 20,000-100,000บาท และพักใช้ใบอนุญาตขับขี่ไม่น้อยกว่า 1 ปี หรือถูกเพิกถอนไปเลย          และหากเมาแล้วขับจนเป็นเหตุให้ผู้อื่นได้รับอันตรายอย่างสาหัส จะมีโทษเพิ่มขึ้นเป็น จำคุก 2-6 ปี ปรับ 40,000-120,000 บาท พักใช้ใบอนุญาตขับขี่ไม่น้อยกว่า 2 ปี หรือเพิกถอน แต่หากผู้นั้นถึงแก่ความตาย โทษจะเปลี่ยนเป็น จำคุก 3-10 ปี ปรับ 60,000-200,000 บาท รวมทั้งเพิกถอนใบอนุญาตขับขี่

          ฉะนั้น ขอแนะนำว่าหากเรารู้ตัวว่าจะต้องขับขี่เดินทางก็ไม่ควรดื่มหรือหลีกเลี่ยงการดื่มแอลกอฮอล์จะดีที่สุดครับ เพราะตามกฎหมายแล้ว หากเรามีแอลกอฮอล์ เกินกว่า 50 มิลลิกรัมเปอร์เซ็นต์ในร่างกาย หากถูกเรียกเพื่อขอตรวจวัดแล้วพบค่าเกินก็ถือว่ามีความผิด

          หลายท่านอาจสงสัยว่าปริมาณ 50 มิลลิกรัมเปอร์เซ็นต์ จะเท่ากับเท่าไรหรือสังเกตได้หรือไม่ โดยค่า 50 มิลลิกรัมเปอร์เซ็นต์ที่เกิดขึ้นจากการดื่ม เทียบได้ดังนี้

          * เบียร์ 1 กระป๋อง = แอลกอฮอล์ 330 มิลลิกรัม 
          * ไวน์ 1 แก้ว = 100 มิลลิกรัม 
          * เหล้า 3 ฝา = 30 มิลลิกรัม 
          * 1 ดื่มมาตรฐาน = เครื่องดื่มที่มีแอลกอฮอล์ประมาณ 10 กรัม 
          * 1 ดื่มมาตรฐาน = 1 ชั่วโมงขับออก

          รู้แบบนี้แล้ว นักดื่มทั้งหลายก็ควรมีสติในการดื่มแต่ทางที่ดีแล้ว หากดื่มก็ไม่ควรขับขี่ หากต้องการเดินทางจริง ๆ ก็อาจจะใช้บริการแท็กซี่ หรือหาที่พักนอนพักให้ร่างกายกลับมาปกติก่อนจะดีที่สุดปลอดภัยทั้งตัวเองและเพื่อนร่วมเดินทางบนท้องถนนอีกด้วย 


วันเสาร์ที่ 10 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2552

What Really is the Best Thing For Aging Skin?

By : Dr. Valerie

This is a question that has perplexed many people for many years. There have been many theories and products that have come onto the market and not provided much in the way of results. So you might be asking what really is the best thing for aging skin. The answer is actually a lot more simple than you think. The best way to keep your skin in good health is to keep your body in good health. We tend to forget that our skin is an organ and responds to our health in the same way as any other part of the body. The skin needs nutrients and rest to be kept in the best possible health. To do this it is important that we pay attention to our overall health. Have you ever noticed that when you are ill your skin does not look its best? This is all the proof that you should need that your overall health is an important part of the appearance of your skin. Make sure that you keep your body in good health and you will find that your skin will glow with good health. This is the simplest approach to keeping your skin healthy and clear. Develop a skincare routine that will help your skin stay in good health as well. The skin needs to be kept clean and well moisturized if it is to fight off the signs of aging. The key to a good skincare routine is its ability to be consistently applied. Make sure that you keep your skin clean and the pores unclogged and free of the bacteria that can cause breakouts on your skin. Making sure that you use your skin care products with regularity will also help you to determine if they are working. Pay attention to your skin. You will not be able to use the same products that you did when you were younger. Over time your skin will change and there will be a need for a different type of skincare product as your skin requires it. If you notice that your skin is becoming dryer as you age, it might be time to look for a better moisturizer or a less harsh cleanser. Constantly evaluate the condition of your skin and make changes to your products as needed. When you are asking what really is the best thing for aging skin, you should take some time to do some research. Science is constantly finding new ingredients and products that will work on your aging skin. Stay informed on what is currently being tried and you just might find a product that works well for your skin. Keep in mind that not all skin responds to treatments in the same way. Remember to treat your skin with care and you will be able to keep the signs of aging at bay for a long time. The next time you ask what really is the best thing for aging skin, you just might already know the answer.

Sytropin Hgh Gaba Spray: Find Out if Sytropin Can Reverse Aging

By : Robert

Sytropin is a human growth hormone (HGH) releaser which is taken by mouth in the form of a spray. It is a natural supplement with the purpose to elevate the production of HGH in the body. These levels of HGH often taper off which coincides with the increasing problems associated with getting older. Now there is an option to take an HGH releaser and get older without feeling a lot of the problems and discomforts that often come with age. Not to be mistaken as a supplement that adds a hormone back into the body, Sytropin is made with homeopathic ingredients, growth factors, and amino acid releasers which collaborate and help to stimulate the body to produce more HGH on its own through the pituitary gland. Through this process, a lot of problems with ageing can be deflected such as difficulty sleeping, lower sex drive, weight gain, wrinkling skin, lack of energy, hair loss, and scattered mental alertness and memory focus. These problems can all be effectively reversed by the HGH in your body being stimulated to create higher levels. This release of HGH is safe to take for other purposes as well which might include body builders who want to improve their muscle mass. Performance can be dramatically improved for body builders and it does not have the risk of side effects and addictive problems that steroids and other drugs might lead to. Who said you can’t age gracefully? There are many people who want to take Sytropin for the purpose of weight loss. This is a perfectly safe product to use to see results with losing weight in a healthy manner. As with any weight loss regimen, it is always going to be more effective and better for you to also eat very healthy and to follow a regular exercise program to see the best results. When putting together a healthy diet with a slow release HGH, it is best to reduce the fat and simple carbohydrates while ensuring that you get a regular daily allowance of leaner meats, whole grains, fruits and vegetables. Many of the problems that occur in our bodies are existent due to a lack of HGH in our systems. The pituitary gland in the brain is where the human growth hormone is produced and it is this hormone that recreates. It recreates everything from tissues being repaired to cells in the bones, muscles and vital organs. This all plays a role with the immune system’s ability to defend the body against disease and infection. By the age of forty years old, the average human’s hormone growth replacement has decreased its production significantly and by the age of about 80 years old it has slowed so much that the creation of HGH is down by about 90 95 percent. By taking a slow releaser of HGH it is obvious that raising those levels would be imperative to continuing a healthier and more energetic life while still ageing as we all must. Sytropin is in the form of a spray that only needs to be taken in the morning and before bed. The benefit of this is that it is easy, affordable and very easily absorbed into the body. A swallowed supplement is not as likely to be absorbed into the body’s system as quickly and efficiently as a spray taken orally.

Foods that Boost Metabolism - Keep your Metabolic Rate high

By : peter hutch

If you're dieting and are still not losing weight, or are losing weight very slowly, the problem may be that you're not eating enough to boost your metabolism. You need to eat foods that boost metabolism, so that you can lose weight quickly and easily. Dieting and weight loss is a dark cloud that looms over many people’s lives on a daily basis. One thing is for certain; society’s rules for what we value in people has changed, and it seems like there is a huge emphasis on the way we look. Regardless of how you see this, one thing is for certain: the way we feel about ourselves is very closely linked to the way we look. Keeping your metabolic rate high is an integrated process. Diet, exercise and lifestyle all combine to keep your metabolism working. However, there are a certain group of foods which are believed to have the natural properties to increase metabolism. On their own these foods will not have a substantial effect on metabolism. Foods that boost metabolism are high in fiber, lower in calories, and are nutrient dense. These foods are also known as whole foods and they are: fruits and vegetables. whole grains, lean meats, poultry, fish, and low fat dairy. Due to the higher fiber content in these foods, the human body takes longer to digest them, thus burning more calories, and your appetite is suppressed longer. Another benefit is the higher nutritional value. Fiber helps to lose weight. Foods that are rich in fiber are fruits such as strawberries, apples and pears. Oatmeal, wheat bran, whole wheat bread and vegetables are also rich sources of fiber. If these are included in our daily diet, they help in weight loss at a speedy rate. Regular intake of Fiber prevents constipation and improves digestion. Fiber also reduces cholesterol levels. Skinless Chicken Breasts, Fat-free cheese, Cornish Game Hen Fish, Green Vegetables, Olive Oil, Seasoning Spices, Sirloin, Tenderloin, Tofu Turkey Bacon. Cayenne pepper: Cayenne pepper is a very special pepper that boosts metabolism and also helps your body many calories without even having you lift a finger! Cayenne pepper raises the body's temperature and when it needs to cool down, it begins to burn calories to put the energy into cooling itself. This operation causes metabolism to rise, calories to burn and weight loss to occur! One of the keys to boosting your metabolism through diet is to do so from a healthy body point of view. Not only are metabolism boosting foods good for helping you lose weight they are good for your overall bodily health. The old adage "you are what you eat" has always been true but most people have lost sight of that line of healthy thinking in our fast food culture. Besides consuming food items that boost metabolism, you should also be self-disciplined in order to lose weight. It is coupled with food items that boost metabolism and proper weight loss program that will help you in achieving your weight loss goals.

วันอังคารที่ 23 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Do Only the Elderly Experience Hair Loss?

By : Low Jeremy

When you look at your grandparents, you might think that it will take you decades and decades to look like them: it may take you years before your bones start aching and becoming weak, it may take a long, long time before your skin starts wrinkling and your body starts feeling it’s falling apart. You may even assume that it will take a long time before your hair starts falling out. However, make no mistake: not only the elderly can experience hair loss: you too can lose your hair early depending on your current state of affairs. In the same manner that you can feel weak and fatigued and old, you can also start looking old. If you are constantly under stress, you can be sure that your body is going to respond accordingly: you can get stomachaches and headaches more often. You can feel old and worn out and spread out thinly. And you can certainly start experiencing hair loss. It can be as simple as your eyelashes and eyebrows coming loose. It can be as bad as your head losing its full amount of hair. When this starts happening, you may need to start losing the stress! Stress can constrict the thinner blood vessels that provide blood and oxygen to your hair follicles. When this happens, your hair can fall out and your body can weaken. Some pregnant women also start experiencing hair loss following their pregnancy. This is due to the high levels of estrogen hormones in their bodies before they give birth. Estrogen is a potent hormone that can actually make you grow lots of great hair; lose the estrogen, and you also lose the hair. If you are pregnant, you may lose hair about three months to five months after you give birth. It may take up to a year for you to get your hair back. However, some pregnant women can also experience hair loss during their pregnancy, and this can be alarming and a sign that they are losing or not taking enough vitamins and minerals. There are also hormonal imbalances that can give rise to hair loss. For instance, women can experience hair loss because they are lacking in certain hormones, or because their reproductive hormones are fluctuating. Both men and women can suffer from hair loss due to fluctuating or imbalanced levels of thyroid hormones, which do not only affect the hair, but the body’s ability to process certain nutrients. Such conditions may require interference by drugs or medicines that can restore the levels of hormones. Some chemicals and bad habits can lead to hair loss. For instance, some hair treatment chemicals can make hair brittle, so that the mere act of perming your hair or adding color to it can actually push your body to take your hair out. Bad habits with your hair, such as tying it extremely tight or putting stress on it, can also make your follicles weaker and push your hair out faster. If you are experiencing hair loss, don’t think that you are getting old – and don’t panic! Talk to a doctor or a health care practitioner and ask for advice. You may simply be under a lot of stress, your body may be going through changes, and your hormones may be out of whack. You will simply need therapy to get through it and you just need to know what as you keep a level head.

Finding Ways to Prevent Wrinkles

By : Dr. Valerie

People have been searching for the perfect cure for wrinkles and effective ways to prevent wrinkles from occurring in the first place. There have been some outlandish prevention techniques as well as some very good advice for skin care. Here are a few things that you can do to prevent your skin from becoming wrinkled. The first step in your skin care regimen is a good astringent. When you are trying to prevent wrinkles, many people might not think that using something like an astringent is helpful, but you have to completely clean the skin and getting down to the pores is a part of clean skin. Make sure that you use a product that is designed for your type of skin when you are looking for an astringent or toner. Look for something that is gentle and appropriate for your aging skin. Using harsh chemical astringents will have the opposite effect and actually damage the skin, so selection of a gentle natural product is essential. The daily moisturizer is one part of your skin care regimen that cannot be overlooked. Dry skin is a major cause of wrinkles and if you are looking for ways to prevent wrinkles, keeping your skin moist is one of the best ways. Your daily moisturizer is a different product than the cream that you will use at night. It should be light enough to wear under your makeup and not leave your skin greasy or oily. The daily moisturizer should penetrate your skin quickly and not sit on the surface of your skin for any length of time. Look for a nice light daily moisturizer that you can put on your face under your makeup every day. You should also look for a daily moisturizer that has a sunscreen as well. Always wear a sunscreen when you are out in the sun. Many moisturizers and makeups have sunscreen right in their ingredients. The sun can be one of the most damaging elements to your skin. To prevent wrinkles, you will have to keep your skin protected from the harmful rays of the sun. A good quality night cream should also be a part of your daily skin care regimen. The night cream that you choose will be heavier than your daily moisturizer. It will penetrate into your skin while you are sleeping and provide your skin with a great deal of healthy moisture while you are asleep. Do some research on the vitamins and supplements that are good for the health of the skin. When you are looking for ways to prevent wrinkles, you should be looking for healthy skin care topics. This is the best way to make sure that you keep your skin as wrinkle free as possible. Also, make sure that you drink plenty of water during the day. We all know the benefits of water on our diet, but it is also important to keep the body well hydrated for the moisture effect on the skin. This is one of the easiest ways to prevent wrinkles that you can start right now.

Is it Possible to Reverse Skin Aging?

By : Dr. Valerie

There are some measures that you can do to reverse skin aging. Cosmetic surgery and the wrinkle filler treatments can help you to reverse the signs of aging that have appeared on your skin. If you are looking for a skincare product for your aging skin, you should concentrate on preventative measures before your aging skin becomes a problem. Finding a skincare routine that you use with consistency is the best aging skin treatments that you can use. It is important that you keep your skin clean and hydrated to give it the best possible chance to avoid the signs of aging for an extended period of time. Look for products that contain natural ingredients to protect your skin from harmful chemicals and other ingredients that will not help your skin. There is a great deal of information available that will help you to determine the ingredients that you should include in your skincare products. Look for a skincare line that is as close as possible to the plant based ingredients that are the best for your aging skin. If your skin is already showing the signs of aging, there are some things that you should do to avoid further damage. Keep in mind that the only real way to eliminate wrinkles from your skin is with a cosmetic procedure that will temporarily fill in the wrinkle or a surgery that will permanently eliminate wrinkles. However, you can do a great deal to help your skin be in good condition and able to stop the future appearance of wrinkles. One of the things that you should do is find a skincare product that keeps your skin well hydrated and properly cleaned. Your healthy lifestyle will also help your skin stay younger looking longer. Make sure that you are eating foods that will help your skin stay healthy and young. Your diet should be well balanced and full of the nutrients that will promote healthy aging. Foods that are rich in antioxidants can do a great deal for your skin and body when you are combating the signs of aging. Free radicals in your body are responsible for the deterioration of your skin and your body and antioxidants can minimize their effect. Getting plenty of rest is also important to your skin as it ages. Your body needs time to recover from the damage that is caused during the day and sleep is an important part of this process. You must make sure that you get plenty of sleep so that your body has every opportunity to repair itself and stay in good health. When you are tired and not well rested, you will find that the results will show up in your skin. A good way to reverse skin aging is to make sure that you take good care of your skin and only use quality products in your skincare routine. The most effective aging skin treatment that you can use is your constant vigilance about the products that you use and your health. Pay attention to the ingredients that are used in your skincare products and only choose those that have the most natural ingredients and none of the harmful chemicals that could cause damage to your skin.